Andrew B. Nuttall
Master Resumé
Skills List > Leadership
Combined Skills
Cultural Sensitivity + Scheduling + Budgeting + Leadership + Event Coordination + Fundraising + Publicity + Interpersonal Communication + Organizing + Creativity + Festivals + Public Speaking + Volunteer Management + Project Management + Logistics
During the summers of 1993 and 1994, I organized 4 public festivals in Prince George BC. After that, I stayed on as a community organizer for the Multicultural Heritage Society.
Over 10,000 people attended each festival, in addition to entertainers, food vendors, nearly 60 volunteers, and representatives of over a dozen local cultural groups. I met with leaders, made budgets, negotiated contracts, handled publicity, recruited and managed volunteers, and dealt with the city.
I was the production assistant the first year, and the team lead the second. Both years, I was tasked with raising all the money for the city's Canada Day fireworks display. In the second year, I had an assistant whom I trained to replace me.
"Andy was instrumental in increasing the attendance of both the Canada Day Celebrations and the International Food Festival through his excellent publicity work."
- Patty Lumb, Executive Director, Letter of Recommendation
As a community organizer, I was tasked with implementing initiatives related to multiculturalism. My largest initiative was to develop and implement a resolution mechanism for disputes between organized cultural groups. When I could, I helped settle new immigrants in the community.
I also assisted in an anti-racism workshop, surveyed attitudes and opinions on related cultural issues, and worked with printers, galleries, and retailers to develop a fundraising project that featured the work of local artists.
My position as an organizer lasted until the spring of 1995. After that, I went to South Korea to teach English.
Combined Skills
Leadership + Copywriting + Organizing + Interpersonal Communication + Business Networking + Fundraising + Publicity + Project Management + Event Coordination
In the February 22 1999 edition of the Camosun College student newspaper, Nexus, there was a full-page article with the headline: March 4 Feed A Student For A Day.
"Feed A Student was started by CCSS Interurban Board of Governors rep. Andrew Nuttall to help raise awareness about hungry students."
-John Overall, Camosun Feeds Students, Nexus, March 8, 1999.
Posters were already up around campus because I had been working on the project since the middle of the previous semester with a mentor in the alumni office. I was able to approach multiple groups and offices on campus.
By the time the article ran, I had formal endorsements from 19 campus groups - including students, staff, faculty, and administration. Their logos or titles appeared on the poster and beside the full-page article in Nexus.
As the founder of Feed a Student For A Day, it was my job to write a compelling full-page article inviting the college to come together over a lasagna dinner, which would be served in the cafeteria on Lansdowne campus.
I gathered the content for my article by having conversations with members of the 19 groups, and used it to craft a unifying narrative around the mission.
The Student Finance Board uses a grocery allowance to calculate student loans, so we were asking employees of the college to buy vouchers for the daily amount. Tickets to the lasagna dinner were just slightly more expensive.
"Over 100 people came, and there were more tickets sold than people who showed up."
- Chris Green, Student Society President, Nexus, March 8, 1999.
With the help of Chris Green, president of the Student Society, I compiled a list of all the resources and every step we took into a single binder. The Student Society produced 7 in total. The dinner took place annually in early March, because that was when the money from student loans ran out and students started turning to foodbanks.
Combined Skills
Event Coordination + Teamwork + Leadership + Organizing + Consulting + Negotiation + Logistics + Graphic Design + Copywriting + Volunteer Management + Project Management
In the summer of 2005, I was approached by the team at Pine Street Productions to consult with them on producing a costume party for about 100 people at the Victoria Event Center. The team's leader, Matt Armstrong, heard about my experience organizing large-scale festivals and producing comedy shows from a mutual friend, and asked me to sit in on a meeting.
By the end of the meeting, the team had asked me about almost every aspect of event production. Then, they unanimously asked me to join the company. My official title was treasurer but leading up to each event I also handled many of the logistics in addition to the bookkeeping. During the actual events, I managed everything but the performers.
I advised the team on licensing, contracts, volunteer management, decorations and cleanup, negotiations with the venue and performers, branding, ticket printing and sales, partnerships with ticket vendors, choosing a suitable caterer, budgeting, and equipment rentals. From the second event onward, I also did graphic design and copywriting.
The original event was simply called "Electric Orchid" and took place on November 5th, 2005. It featured 4 of Victoria's top DJs, a performance by the Glow Dancers with a team of gymnasts, and two video projection artists. The theme was "glow in the dark" and costumes were supposed to "pop" under black lights.
We had about a dozen volunteers and surpassed our goal of selling 100 tickets, and almost reached the full capacity of the venue. Everything went smoothly, except for an unexpected glitch in the sound system that was fixed almost immediately. Two weeks later, we took the volunteers out for dinner to celebrate our success and give recognition to those who went above and beyond.
Electric Orchid II took place on March 18th, 2005. It was called "Carnival" and was based on the Brazilian festival by the same name. Prizes were awarded for the best costumes, which were voted on by our lineup of performers.
This event featured 4 of Victoria's top DJs, a special guest from Vancouver, and the opening slot was reserved for an amateur. This one was sold out. In fact, we had to turn away about 60 people at the door.
We held private auditions the previous February for the opening slot. The winner was selected with input from professional DJs, members of the leadership team, and members of our volunteer team who came to watch. After the event, we continued our tradition of taking volunteers out for dinner and recognizing those who went above and beyond.
Electric Orchid III, "Boogie Nights" took place on June 17, 2006. It had a 1970s movie star theme. Once again, prizes were awarded for the best costumes, and we gave the opening slot to an amateur who had competed in auditions which we held two months prior.
We had 21 volunteers, 7 DJs, an award-winning video projection artist, a new caterer, and an fledgling alternative medicine collective gave massages by donation. In the end, it took about 40 people to decorate, clean up, help in the coat check, and cater this event.
All of the Electric Orchid costume events had the same contract with the venue and licenses from the city. We left the venue in excellent condition, paid everything on time and in full, and handled all of the security ourselves without incident.
That is, until Boogie Nights. We were growing too fast, and municipal regulations were not drafted with what happened next in mind.
This time, we sold out in advance and there were no tickets available at the door. Nonetheless, on the night of the event more than 120 people lined up outside. Some went around the back and tried to sneak in. Others tried to push past our security team.
Eventually, the police arrived. Based on misinformation that they had about the contract and licenses, they ordered us to shut down the event. However, the paperwork showed that we were doing everything both according to the agreements we signed and the licenses. The police had to accept that we were not at fault, and were going above and beyond to be lawful. In the end, we agreed to turn down the volume and wrapped up the event about 30 minutes early.
A few months later, the City of Victoria reached out to Pine Street Productions and asked us to consult with a committee tasked with revising the bylaw that lead to the confusion. Through a dialogue between Pine Street Productions and that committee, the City of Victoria created a new type of event license which is now required for late night events at art galleries, and venues like the Sunset Room (for example).
Combined Skills
Event Coordination + Theatre + Budgeting + Public Relations + Publicity + Leadership + Fundraising + Organizing + Business Networking + Project Management
As an undergraduate student at the University of Alberta in 1990, I was a member of the Kappa Alpha Literary Society. We wanted to raise money to help address the fact that 7% of Canadian Adults could not read or write at the time.
Fun Fact: The 1989 movie, Dead Poets Society, was a re-telling of the history of Kappa Alpha. While the movie is set in 1959, the story is based on actual events and real people who lived during the 1820s.
Thanks to my failure as a comedian, and my role as a volunteer team leader at the Edmonton Fringe Festival, I had several contacts in the local theatre community. So, I reached out to performers, Ticketmaster, and Horowitz Theatre. I made a budget and a marketing plan, and proposed a comedy show.
"It is very rare that we see such success with student run events; especially those who present local acts."
- Gerald Stoll, Horowitz Theatre, Letter of Recommendation
We produced two sold-out performances by a local Edmonton comedy troupe, Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie - in January 1990 and January 1991. The shows raised over $4000, which we donated to a local literacy charity.
"I am pleased to report that he generated a fabulous level of public awareness that led to great word of mouth, and consequently each presentation played to sold-out houses."
- Dave Jackson, Troupe Manager, Letter of Recommendation
Horowitz theatre sat 720. I went on to produce one more show, independently, featuring SAK Theatre from Orlando, Florida. Three Dead Trolls appeared in the production.
After graduating in 1994, I organized festivals in Prince George, BC.
Combined Skills
Education + Public Speaking + Leadership + Organizing + Journalism + Teamwork + Business
In 1986, the faculty at my high school nominated me for a Service Award.
Each year, they recognized 1% of students in the graduating class for their unique and outstanding contributions. Over 700 students graduated from Harry Ainlay that year.
In addition to being on the gymnastics team, here is what led to my nomination.
One evening in June 1986, just over 1,700 people gathered at the Edmonton Jubilee Auditorium for my high school's annual commencement ceremony.
It was my first public speaking experience, and I was center stage with 4 other students. I admit to almost forgetting my first line but at the last second, I remembered.
As class historians, we wrote the speech as a team. Together, we crafted a cherished memory using the unique talents of everyone involved.
Since Rod and Jason had theatre experience, they lead the process and wrote the final draft. I provided records of events and people from the archives of the school newspaper. Morris brought an array of sounds and clever mimicry, while Gerald and Elin came up with more funny ideas than time would allow.
In grade 12, I became editor of my high school newspaper, the Titanic. That September, the incumbent editor was struggled to recruit members and had lost enthusiasm for the club, so I convinced a few friends to join.
In October 1985, the Edmonton Journal hosted 2 full-day workshops for students in high school newspaper clubs from the city and surrounding area. They covered the principles of good layout, introduced us to the latest technology (on original MacIntosh computers), and gave us tours of their actual newsroom.
My first edition as an editor came out at the start of November. The comic section had the first installment in a 3-part satire about the teachers and cafeteria staff. The day after it came out the Vice Principle, Mr. Zbitnew, made an announcement complementing our club for an outstanding edition of the Titanic and mentioned me by name. After that, we had no problem recruiting contributors.
In 1984, Junior Achievement Canada had a different logo but their mission was basically the same: "To inspire and prepare young people to succeed economically."
I was in Grade 10 and thought it would be fun to learn how to start a business. So, I signed up with two of my best friends, and we formed a team with kids from 4 different schools. I was elected president of my Junior Achievement club. We sold custom stationery.
There was a competition between clubs to make the most profit. We made one and finished in the middle of the pack, but the mentorship I received has proven valuable ever since.
Combined Skills
Logistics + Scheduling + Event Coordination + Negotiation + Leadership + Organizing + Teamwork + Project Management
In October 1991, the Kappa Alpha Literary Society at the University of Alberta hosted an international conference entitled "Cunae Concilium" with 108 attendees from 9 different countries.
The event involved a combination of presentations, workshops, and theatrical production. It took place in three separate venues and spanned the course of 5 days. Planning took place over the prior 8 months. There were 7 people on the leadership team, 21 volunteers, 12 speakers, and 3 partner organizations.
As Logistics Officer, I found and booked the venues, accommodations, and equipment as well as handled printing and packaging of all distributed materials. I arranged transportation to and from Edmonton International Airport for guests and speakers before and after the event. As well, I assisted speakers and attendees to obtain the appropriate visas.
It was my job to ensure that we made optimal use of resources, parking, volunteers, equipment, and printed materials. I coordinated with the rest of the leadership team to schedule speakers, breakout sessions, meals, and the final awards ceremony, and arranged for transportation of people, props, and equipment between venues.
Combined Skills
Political Science + History + Economics + Sociology + Education + Organizing + Leadership + Governance
In 1986, I decided to take a year off after high school to explore the Canadian Rockies and work, then I went to university.
In September 1987, I began studying at the University of Alberta. My major was political science, but it took me a few years to settle on a minor. Ultimately, I chose history, but not before I took enough courses in sociology and economics to have a choice.
Although I worked part time throughout my undergraduate degree, I also participated in several clubs and organizations.
For example, in the 1988-1989 school year, I was the event planner for the Political Science Undergraduates Association. We hosted speakers on topics ranging from Canada's role in NATO to Western Separatism. Some of our guests included Canada's ambassador to the United Nations, Stephen Lewis; former Minister of Transport, Lloyd Axeworthy; and former Prime Minister, John Turner.
In 1989, I helped organize, and participated in, a mock parliament which held debates using the rules of order from the House of Commons. In 1990 and 1991, I conceived and led two sold-out theatrical productions to raise money for a literacy charity. In 1991-1992, I was the events and accommodations manager for a Literary Society that held an international conference with special guests from 9 countries.
In the summer of 1993, I worked in Prince George organizing festivals. After graduating in 1994, I went back to work at the Multicultural Society as a community organizer.
Combined Skills
Leadership + Scheduling + Event Coordination + Logistics + Teamwork + Volunteer Management + Project Management
In 2001, I chaired a conference on Men's Health Issues at Camp Thunderbird in Victoria, B.C. Planning took place over the course of 12 months and the event took place over 3 days in late August.
It was sponsored by Pfizer, the BC Ministry of Health, the Well Foundation, and received numerous donations from private individuals. Speakers included the British Columbia Minister of Health, Colin Hansen; Patrick Harris, co-founder of the Gesundheit! Institute, and David Butterfield, developer of Shoal Point.
The theme was Health Men Healthy Communities. We focused on the connections between men's well-being and the well-being of children, families, neighborhoods, and the physical spaces we share. (In keeping with the emphasis on physical spaces, most attendees slept at Camp Thunderbird and participated in cleaning, cooking, and assisting others throughout the event.)
We took an evidence-based approach to the physical and mental health issues faced by men and boys in Canadian society. This necessarily meant that some of the topics covered were controversial. Indeed, we ended up dedicating an entire morning to a workshop on facing denial and ridicule while addressing the very real issues the conference was intended to address.
As the chair of the conference, I framed controversy as an opportunity to stimulate civil discussion and bring forward new evidence that not only benefited men and boys, but communities as a whole. We surveyed attendees at the beginning and end of the conference to see if this approach was constructive. Almost all of the attendees reported changing their minds on at least one item of importance to them. Most reported learning information that would change their approach to dealing with male-specific health issues going forward.
There were 6 people on the leadership team. 60 people, mostly men, attended the conference from start to finish. However, a few dozen more attended parts of the conference (half-day tickets were available), so the final total was 106.
The conference culminated in a final dinner where every attendee contributed in some way. It brought together men from all 5 tax brackets, multiple ethnic backgrounds, and dozens of occupations.
Combined Skills
Leadership + Governance + Boardroom + Hiring + Elections + Education + Business
Two years after being diagnosed with life-threatening cancer in South Korea, I was finally ready to re-start my life in Canada. I was still a little weak, but I was cured.
I wanted to live closer to my father on the West coast, and to start a new business - but I felt I needed to learn a few things first. So in 1997, I registered for the business program at Camosun College and moved from Prince George to Victoria, BC.
Near the start of my first semester, I decided to get involved with the Student Society. It wasn't long until I was sitting on Student Council and running for the Board of Governors.
Part of my campaign involved organizing a beer gardens - but that isn't why I received over 84% of the votes. I won because my team did such a good job of getting people out that nobody ran against me in my second election.
"Andrew was a student at Camosun College from 1997 to 1999, and was elected as a student representative on the Board of Governors for 1997-98 and 1998-99. He served on the Board's Finance, Facility & Personnel Committee and as the Board of Governors representative on the college's Foundation Board of Directors."
- Liz Ashton, President, Camosun College, Letter to Royal Roads University
In 1998, Camosun College hired a new Vice-President. As a member of the Finance, Facility & Personnel Committee, I took part in the hiring sub-committee and participated in the interview process.
That same year, I was hired for a co-op position by the Ministry of Advanced Education, Training, and Technology. I continued to sit on the Board of Governors during that time, and completed my program at Camosun in the spring of 1999.
While I was there, I founded one of the largest and longest-running student-led fundraisers in the history of the college. I was also appointed by the Advanced Education Council of BC to their Leadership Development Group, which crafted the training given to college governors throughout the province. My time at Camosun concluded with a farewell dinner.
"This letter is to invite you to a dinner in your honour, with the Board of Governors, on Wednesday, October 20th, at Interurban Classroom Restaurant."
- Guy Whitman, Chair, Board of Governors, Invitation Letter
I finished my program with a GPA of 6.0 and went on to join the Victoria Chamber of Commerce and work a few jobs while I started a Tech Support business.
Combined Skills
Public Speaking + Leadership + Interpersonal Communication + Business Networking + History + Presentation
In the summer of 2004, I joined the Communicators Toastmasters Club in Victoria, BC.
The first stage in their public speaking program involves writing and giving 10 speeches from a manual. Roughly every six weeks, each member would present one speech.
Toastmasters International had over 200,000 members in 130+ countries around the world at the time. It is based on a philosophy of learning by doing and had already grown into one of the world's largest leadership training organizations by the late 1950s.
Toastmasters generally share goodwill and most welcome guests from other clubs. For example, on a trip to Singapore in December 2004, I visited 9 clubs and saw a truly amazing sample of speakers from the public, private, and academic sectors.
I also visited the Singapore Zoo and found the inspiration for my fifth speech, which was coming up back in Victoria.
"The Wild Man of Borneo" recounted the true story of how Queen Victoria's opinion of orangutans changed European culture during the 1870s. Parts of it involved imitating the antics of a young orangutan I saw at the zoo.
The Advanced Toastmasters in our club encouraged me to present it at the Greater Victoria Golden Gavel speech competition on February 7th. I came in second place in the preliminary round and advanced to the finals.
Competitors were expected to write entirely new speeches for the final round. There were 7 speakers. I came in third.
Toastmasters is a truly positive experience for anyone willing to face the fear of public speaking. My last five speeches were given during the spring and summer of 2005, and I received my Competent Toastmaster Certificate that September.
Combined Skills
Volunteer Management + Scheduling + Leadership + Creativity + Teamwork + Festivals
In 1989, I volunteered to do "line patrol" at the Edmonton Fringe Festival. I quickly emerged as a reliable, hardworking volunteer who quickly got to know the organizing team and got along well with everyone. The following year, I was invited to be the team leader for the "environmental crew" and was placed in charge of 24 volunteers tasked with picking up garbage.
The biggest challenge was maintaining morale, since garbage cleanup is the least fun job volunteers could do. So, I focused on making it fun. I found ways to rewards my volunteers that went above and beyond payment in "Fringe Bucks", which enabled them to see plays for free. This included bringing them food and water, working alongside them to set an example, and bringing actors from the most popular shows to meet them.
In 1990, the Edmonton Fringe Festival ran for 11 hours a day, 9 days straight, in 15 venues. It was the largest live theatre event in the world that year, and I am proud to say not one of my volunteers quit.
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